
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2,781 / 3,346

Mediación & 2012..

I agree. If JPM and the FDIC don't take advantage og the opportunity the judge is offering I think that strongly indicates one of 2 things:

1.JPM is bankrupt and cannot afford to give back any of the stolen WMI assets.

2. The EC feels equity has a great chance of seeing a huge windfall if they litigate this case and are pushing for a very big settlement to forgo their litigation rights.

Personally i feel that at some point hedge funds and equity funds that haven't taken a position in WMI but have had it on their radar screen will start buying up preferreds as the wind of a settlement leaks out. I expect this to happen sometime before the first of the year with the final settlement being announced after the first for tax purposes.


Re: Mediación & 2012..

Que continue el bombeo hasta los domingos, a ver si asi suben las acciones.


Re: Mediación & 2012..

Keep in mind that Firms with Billions in investments throughout the system are in jeopardy of being dismantled, publicly humiliated and beat up upon by the Wall Street protesters. As this progresses and those Wall Street sit-in protestors get wind of it, it could blow up massively, the SNH's now have one more big problem on their hands. If the Wall Street protestors take up this case as a main example, the media coverage they are getting will start to reveal the issue here. Once a real reporter gets on the case, these Hedgies are fried and I am sure they now know it and understand the atmosphere is getting really hostile. We know what happened and I sent an email telling the Wall Street protestors to look into what happened to WAMU and this BK case.

Now this is just one more reason for the Hedgies to settle, they just threw everyone else under the bus in a public appeal filing, that the media has largely ignored. HUM! These Hedgies are not going down silently, so they wrote an appeal brief with accusations against all the other parties in it. The incentive to settle has now gotten higher.

We will see a settlement or 2012 is going to be a very interesting year for all involved. In the meantime, my shares are in a "lockbox" or as bbob said "set it and forget it!"



¿han saltado ya del barco?



¿Has saltado de las preferentes?



del barco estan saltando todos hoy, desde la negacion del POR no paran de bajar.



Yo no. Pero yo no tenia stop loss a 3,80

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