
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
649 / 3,346

Re: Sobre las Ps

Tu broker no se entera mucho, las P se pueden comprar sin problema, solo hay que dar el ISIN - US 9393228146, suponiendo que no las localice.


Re: Sobre las Ps

A ver Ptolomeo que las quiero ver hoy a 4 dolares, que deseo comprar un jamon serrano mañana.


Re: Sobre las Ps

A este ritmo los 0.3$ que hablabamos para el viernes, los vamos a ver mañana.


Re: Sobre las Ps

La verdad el que lo sabe es Dios y los que manipulan la cantidad de acciones que sigue siendo ridícula por volumen.
Lo mismo sube mañana y pasado también y el jueves te las tiran de nuevo a 0,20. No deseo que pase esto pero me temo que podría pasar.
Si los volumenes cerraran cada dia en 100 millones si que se encadenarian subidas constantes.


Subiendo la escalera...

Por lo pronto me voy un rato a la piscina y quizas dentro de un rato lleguemos por lo menos al cuarto de dólar baby!




!WARNING Will Robinson! This is all my speculation. IMO.

Walmart (WMT) is a high probability candidate for a merger with WMI because they would like to become a bank holding company.

“Wal-Mart calculates that by obtaining a Utah IB charter and processing those transactions itself (in lieu of paying transaction fees to third-party processors), it will save nearly one billion dollars each year.” That was the savings in 2005 that would become a service fee to create additional revenue, and then increased dividend payment to the share holders.

“Walmart serves customers and members more than 200 million times per week at more than 8,159 retail units under 55 different banners in 15 countries. With fiscal year 2009 sales of $401 billion,”
“There are 2,746 Supercenters nationwide, and most are open 24 hours”
Sam’s Clubs
“Today, Sam’s Club operates 605 locations nationwide.”

Therefore 3351 total nationwide locations.

Nationwide, this would be much larger than WMI_WMB/WMBfsb (about 2239 units) was if a bank was opened in each WMT/SC store. Now add multiple ATMs and other services, add additional bank branches in the cities and towns WAMU style. Not bad!

WMT nominal book value (1x) is $67.70B or $203B MC. Now add in $52B (conservative value, see below) for WMI for a total value of $119.7B. This assumes JPM/FDIC pays cash to purchase WMB/WMBfsb and the other subs to WMI, and WMIs final resultant value is $52B. I believe the settlement value could be greater, but the $52B is a much more understood conservative valuation. What about $67.70B or greater for a “merger of equals” ($135.4B bv) with WMT structured to keep the bank holding company intact? Or WMI could indirectly acquire WMT to keep the bank holding company primary. The attorneys and accountants can work out the corporate merger structure and share ratios between WMI/WMT. Hint; Look at the share count ratio, and remember we are at equal values. Going forward add a multiplier for growth to your new share count and share price. Not bad again!

Project West is a overwhelming problem for JPM if the story goes main stream press. JPM has the assets in question, and that FDIC is just an accomplice or “scapegoat” to JPM contrived predetermined actions. WMI is suing FDIC for 13B PLUS at treble damages in DC court. WMI is appraised at 52B, see below. Let’s say as an example that 80% of WMI total value was fraudulently transferred and or sold to JPM with the aid of FDIC.

Math time; 52B*.80 = 41.6B at treble is $124.8B. That’s a big settlement figure, is that number too big. Ok, let’s assume 50% value transferred.
52B*.5 = 26B at treble is $78B. I think you get the idea what the story could look like if we go through a jury trial for damages.
Why should WMI sell itself to JPM when we have greater rewards elsewhere? JPM current book value (1x) is around $151B or $153B MC. But a sizeable portion of JPM value will be paid to WMI share holders in settlement. Example; $151B-$78B = $73B final book value. JPM’s current price/book value is 1.01. Not much market confidence on future returns considering that their quarterly earnings growth is 580.80% (yoy). Has the market already priced in JPM’s payout? Could or would JPM give WMI share holders 2 shares for every share of JPM? No, because JPM would lose control of the Board of Directors to a disgruntled party. Stock swap won’t work but cash would. Hint again; Look at the share count ratios per valuation.

Remember that WMI has keep WAMU logo and trademarks current with recent renewal payments. WMI does not need JPM. JPM/FDIC needs to solve their problem.

JPM does not need another bank holding company and can no longer buy their way out of legal battles with WMI pre-seizure share holders’ and WMB bond holders’ class action suits which should be coming soon, but that is another topic. JPM/FDIC should have settled with WMI in late April for $24 Denke dollars.

“The net value of this package should be somewhere north of $52 billion.”


Re: Sobre las Ps

Putos traders de mierda que hacen su voluntad :P

Saludos de Chikis! ^_^


Re: Sobre las Ps

Que ocurre Chikis, que estas fuerte en preferentes?

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